The Best Ways to Tackle Work Stress

The Best Ways to Tackle Work Stress

With increasing pressure at work including tight deadlines, endless meetings, presentations and more, it’s no wonder 65 percent of people in the UK are stressed about work. If you are one of those who finds it hard to sperate yourself from work during your down time, here’s how to beat back the stress by getting active.

#1: Stretching

When hustling to submit an important project, it’s important to take a moment to recharge. You don’t have to leave your workstation if you’re in a major time crunch. You can stretch out everything from feet to tight shoulders with a few desk-friendly moves. After a little self-care, you’ll feel more awake, relaxed, and focused on smashing your targets.

#2: Hit the Yoga

Nothing causes stress quite like standing up with a Powerpoint in front of a room full of decision makers. So bring on the zen with yoga. Research shows the series of poses combined with controlled breathing can help ease both anxiety and depression. Try fitting in a yoga class before work the morning of your presentation to hit a yoga class. Or put together a few Sun Salutations on your own at home. You’ll feel more relaxed and ready to crush that presentation.

#3: Get Out on the Bike

More and more companies are encouraging employees to keep sane hours, but sometimes late nights can’t be avoided. To prevent burn out, be sure to put your Airofin kit on and get out on the bike. Take a break from your desk, get on your bike and get out in the country side to get in some fitness, feel the wind in your hair and unwind.

#4: Hit the Gym

Hectic schedules or even traveling for work, can make it hard to stick to your regular health and fitness routine. Set your alarm to get up 30 minutes earlier and do something good for yourself before your workday even starts! For a convenient and commute-free sweat sesh, hit the hotel gym. Or stay in your room and do a total-body workout like our 18 minute ab workout ;) 

#5: Workout with Your Workmates

Try sweatworking to socialize with and get to know your colleagues better—a spin class or outdoor run is almost always better with company. Or invite a coworker to go on a walk, so you can chat and learn more about their role and experience with the company. You’ll de-stress and pick up some great insider info ;)