Elite Hybrid Table

Interested in featuring on the Hybrid Table?

We are looking for the best hybrid level athletes out there, as we are putting together a “hybrid” leaderboard of elite athletes.

Interested in putting your PB times and lifts forward for the following?


(Concept 2 Ergs)
1k Ski Erg Time:
2k Row Erg Time:
20k Bike Erg:

(Outdoor / Track Run <> No Treadmill or Assault Runner times)

5k Run

3RM Bench Press:
3RM Squat:
1RM Deadlift:
1RM Shoulder to Overhead: (Includes, Push Press, Split Jerk , Push Jerk)

We are putting the leaderboard together to highlight and showcase some of the best hybrid athletes.

We want to create a table of the best athletes where they can see where they rank in all of the disciplines against other elite level performers. We will also be promoting these athlete across our socials, website and our upcoming Hybrid Training podcast.

We believe hybrid training is the best way to train however performing a few lifts and doing a few runs can be done by anyone. However we know that running a 20 minute 5km and being able to bench 100kg and squat 120kg takes serious dedication and time investment. This is why we believe athletes that can do all of this should be celebrated more than they are.

We are hoping that we can provide a platform to be discovered by brands looking to work / sponsor top tier athletes in the hybrid and Hyrox space. We are going to be working with some fantastic brands over the coming year in the form of partnerships (that are focusing on this space) and it would be great to have you included in the hyrbid leaderboard. 

If you are interested:

The minimum requirements are:

(Time caps)
1k Ski - 3.50
2k Row - 7.30

20k Bike - 40.00

5K Run - 22.30

(Min Weight)
Bench Press - 3 Rep Max - 85kg
Squat - 3 Rep Max - 110kg
Deadlift - 1 Rep Max - 150kg
Shoulder to Overhead - 1 Rep Max - 80kg (Push Press / Split Jerk / Push Jerk - all allowed)

You have to be able to hit at least 7 out of the 8 times or lifts to be able to be considered.

The reason we have these minimums is because we aren't wanting a powerlifter to come in and top the table in all the lifts when they may not be able to run a 21.30 5k or a 40 minute 20k Cycle. This way we get a true representation of multi discipline athletes and we only allow the best to feature. 

If you are able to share your results to info@airofin.com or via Instagram at this stage that would be great.